Manager Minute: How well do you know your team's work styles?

Are you a big thinker or a detail planner? How about a reflective thinking or a move on to the next thing person?

Knowing how you and the other people on your team fall on the spectrum of work styles, approaches, and preferences can be super helpful.

To help you, we created this handy Jamboard (it’s like a digital sticky note wall) that you can copy and use on your own.


Purpose: To establish basics and surface differences in work styles within a functional team.

Outcome: Team members have a greater understanding of each other’s work styles and teams identify strengths and imbalances in the range of work styles.


1. In the full group, the facilitator introduces the exercise and Jamboard tool.

2. Go through each prompt one by one. Each participant adds a digital sticky note with their name on it where they fall on the spectrum.

3. Reflect and discuss as a group. Depending on the size of your team, you can do this in small groups or the full team. Here are a few prompts to get your started:


-- What do you notice about the spectrums? Are there any clusters of similarities or spread out differences?
-- What are the strengths and challenges resulting from the similarities in our team?
-- What are the strengths and challenges resulting from the differences in our team?
_- What can we do to handle imbalances together and best use our shared strengths?