Start, Stop, Continue

With shifting work environments, strategies, and expectations for our teams, it is critical that we assess what is moving the work forward and what is creating more uncertainty and stress. 

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One strategy to do this is β€œStart, Stop, Continue”. 

  • START: practices and processes that will create more clarity and structure to move you towards your goals. For example, setting daily priorities rather than weekly or monthly. 

  • STOP: practices or processes that are no longer needed. For example, Zoom meeting overload -- figure out what is truly needed and cut the rest.

  • CONTINUE: practices and processes that have been working well. For example, setting team-wide work blocks. 

Think about your team, the goals you are trying to achieve, and the obstacles you are encountering. Write down the key things that you will start, stop, and continue in order to be more effective and focused on achieving your goals and supporting individuals on your team.

Here is a template to get you started. Let us know how it goes!