DevelopSkills: Mitigating Urgency in HR and Hiring
September 30, 2021 from 2-4 pm ET/11am-1pm PT
September 30, 2021 from 2-4 pm ET/11am-1pm PT
You are in a hiring or recruitment role with the responsibility for making strategic hiring decisions intentionally and inclusively.
You are looking to improve your communication and approach with your team so that they can grow and thrive together.
You’ve had prior management training and want to level up your skills in order to create a positive team culture grounded in effective communication practices.
You’re looking for camaraderie and community in taking on challenges in our ever changing and adapting organizations.
You are curious, ambitious, maybe even a little nervous, but know this is the moment to invest in yourself.
September 30, 2021 12-2 pm ET/9-11 am PT
DevelopSkills: Mitigating urgency in HR and hiring enrollment is $99 and includes:
2-hour group training, focused on learning new skills, in a cohort of no more than 40 participants;
Full access to all program materials, tools, and resources.
The teams from DevelopWell and Meso Solutions are partnering for this workshop to focus on how to eliminate urgency in your hiring and HR processes. We’ll bring our experience and expertise in creating human-centered processes and give you real tools to use in your team immediately.
For any issues or questions regarding registration please email us at
Your group training will be a highly interactive experiences, even in a virtual setting, that focus on real-life challenges and introduce tools that can be utilized immediately.
We will focus on establishing shared language and identifying ways to work more effectively as a team.
Training will take place Friday at 12pm ET / 9am PT over Zoom. All participants are expected to attend the group training live in order to take full advantage of cohort-style learning.
Solid grounding in your own leadership, purpose, values, and growth goals
Advanced skills in coaching to motivate and grow your staff
Tangible tools to use to build an inclusive culture of feedback and effective communication
A network of senior managers in other organizations who hold similar responsibilities and face similar challenges
A clear path forward for supporting your own needs so you can guide and manage others.