Nov 19: DevelopSkills: Giving Direct Feedback

Nov 19: DevelopSkills: Giving Direct Feedback


Did you give that person feedback? Was it direct or kind of squishy? Yeah, we thought so. This workshop will give you an easy framework for giving clear and useful feedback, as well as time to practice it!

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This workshop will focused on:

  • Understanding Growth Mindset and how to receive feedback

  • Giving clear and direct feedback that really helps people

  • Giving Appreciation and Acknowledgement feedback, as well as clarifying feedback

  • Self-managing when you get nervous in a different conversation

Together we’ll discuss how to create a culture of growth and feedback, starting with your own growth mindset. We’ll discuss real-life scenarios of when you need to give feedback of all kinds, and practice it in person!

Skills Workshops are a highly interactive experience. Even in a virtual setting, we lead workshops that ask full participation and engagement from everyone as we focus on real-life scenarios and introduce tools that can be utilized immediately.